Servants of God's Love                                             Inquiry Form

To best support your journey of discernment, we need to know more about you.  Please tell us a bit about yourself and be assured of our prayers for you!
A member of the Servants of God's Love will reach out to you within 1 week of the Inquiry Form submission date.

Thank you, and may God bless you!

In Christ,
Sr. Rachel Benjamin & Sr. Lisa Zelfa
SGL Vocations Team

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Email *
First & Last Name *
Birth date (mm/dd/yyyy) *
Phone *
Mailing Address *
Preferred means of contact *
How did you hear about the Servants of God's Love community?
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In 3-5 sentences, please describe your childhood - your family dynamics, religious practices/affiliation, significant life events such as moving far distances, the death of a parent/sibling, etc.  Please describe your family life in the past 15 years.  If you were ever married, or had concrete plans to marry, please describe those circumstances.
In 3-5 sentences, please describe your spiritual life - if you were not always a practicing Catholic, please describe those circumstances.  Describe your current relationship with Jesus, your prayer routine, and frequency of the Sacraments.  
In 3-5 sentences, please describe your education & employment situation - your level of completed formal education.  What jobs, or training for employment, have you had?  
Please describe your current circumstances - where you work/study/spend the majority of your time.
What level of education have you completed?
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What is your first language?
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Is there anything in particular that you're struggling with at this time that you would like us to pray for/know about?
    Thank you for taking the time to complete this Inquiry Form.  May God bless you!
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