Emerson LA alumni workstation reservation form
Come get some work done at ELA!  

We have four workstations available in our Visitors Center.
**PLEASE NOTE - we now have one computer available - it is to be used exclusively to access the Emerson College Library's online resources.  Please select "yes" on the final question below if you need access.  This computer does not have Word or other programs on it - it is only to be used for accessing Emerson's library resources online.

If you have not been to campus, we are located at:
5960 West Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90028

Spaces can be reserved from Monday to Friday, in three-hour blocks (9:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 - 4:00 pm).

Enter your information below, with the date and time you would like to reserve a workstation, and Melinda Valente, Associate Director of Alumni Engagement, will get back to you to confirm your spot.  If you have any questions, you can reach Melinda at melinda_valente@emerson.edu.  

Note: Please submit requests at least 1 business day in advance to allow time for processing.

We look forward to having you on campus!
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Email *
Your full name and graduation year *
Phone number *
Date you would like to reserve a workstation *
Preferred time block (please note, at this time, you can only reserve one time block per day)
Select one only:
Do you need access to Emerson College Library's online resources? *
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