Health Pledge
The details you provide here will be added to your customized certificate of Pledge and sent to your email address provided here. Your mobile no., if shared, shall be used for promotional IEC and BCC activities. All your details will remain confidential and shall not be spammed. You can speak up your mind freely.
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Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
You are taking this pledge for *
Tell us about your age *
Tell us about your Gender *
Tell us about your Health profile *
PLEDGE: I solemnly swear that I will commit myself to fight diabetes with all my might and will help create a better life, a better world for all diabetics out there. I acknowledge that even a small step can make a huge difference in the society at large. *
Now that you have pledged your allegiance towards this noble cause, how would you like to fight diabetes? *
What do you think is going to happen with your chosen method of fighting diabetes? *
Your phone/whatsapp no. is (This is optional; you may provide your details to receive promotional offers/ discounts/freebies etc.):
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