What Starts Here Campaign Tagged URLs Request
Use this form to submit the number and type of buttons/links to the campaign site or OGP on your page, and we'll send back tagged URLs that will provide you more information on your traffic, clicks and gifts.

example link: give.utexas.edu?menu=OGPAFFA
example placement description: button on section/row 2 of page
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Your Name *
Your Email *
Your CSU *
On which page will these links be published? Please provide a URL if possible. *
How many tagged links are you requesting? *
Please provide 1. links to either OGP (give.utexas.edu) or giving.utexas.edu that needs a tag and 2. a description of where the link will be placed on the page.
example link: give.utexas.edu?menu=OGPAFFA

example placement description: button on section/row 2 of page
Link 1 – Provide the link that needs a tag *
Link 1 - Placement description *
Link 2 - Provide the link that needs a tag
Link 2 - Placement description
Link 3 - Provide the link that needs a tag
Link 3 - Placement description
Link 4 - Provide the link that needs a tag
Link 4 - Placement description
Link 5 - Provide the link that needs a tag
Link 5 - Placement description
Link 6 - Provide the link that needs a tag
Link 6 - Placement description
Will you be implementing the UT Flyout call to action?
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