2023 TEAMS
Hi all - We're embarking on big new steps together.  Welcome to the team.  Please sign up below. Thanks!
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SIGN UP for TEAMS.  Welcome all!
1.  FORMALIZING THE EARTH BILL NETWORK:  This group will facilitate development of our new Network of coalitions, groups and individuals.  Tasks:  (a) review macro-organizational models, (c) present ideas, and (c) conduct outreach to other groups for input and to participate in formation of the Network.  NOTE:  To get started, please review and comment on the Draft Principles & Agreements.  http://bit.ly/DraftEarthBillNetwork
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2.  POLCY WORK:  Earth Bill compilation & Climate Bill Package Analysis. This group will facilitate a consulatative open process to create a comprehensive climate bill.  Tasks:  (a) compile, review and graph existing bills and policy reports, (b) present complex information, and (c) conduct outreach and coordiante other legislative and policy groups.  NOTE: For this Team, please join a Policy Sector Team below as well.  Work on this, flows through those Teams.
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7. POLICY WORK:  Policy Sector Teams.  These teams dig deep into existing legislation and policy proposals, and help to identify what's missing.   Tasks:  (a) review legislation and policy proposals on topic, (b) brief team, (c) digest documents and create comparison charts.  This is where the Earth Bill will be created.
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3.   THE GROUND GAME:   Adopt-A-District Team. This group will organize a network of groups and activists by State and Congressional District to engage elected officials on a package of climate bills, as a precursor to a bigger bill.   Tasks:  (a) forming local cross-sector coalitions, (b) emails and phone calls with groups and activists, (c) legislative education, (d) engagement with elected officials and staff, and (e) managing other team leads.   NOTE:  You can Adopt your Own District or State as lead point person, join a team in support, or help recruit others to this effort.
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4.  COMMUNITY TEAMS:  Faith Team.  This group is for faith leaders and organizations as part of the larger effort.  Tasks include: (a) organizing by state & congressional districts,  (b) uniting across traditions and leadership, (c) community education on climate solutions, and (c) engaging in concerted legislative advocacy on current bills, as a precursor to a comprehensive bill.
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6.  COMMUNITY TEAMS:  Please sign up for any of these below.  
8.  EXISTING COALITIONS.  Are you part of a city, state or national coalition now?  If so, which ones?  Please include website or social media link, if available.
9.  YOUR GIFTS.   Are there any special skills or interests you have and would like to contribute or lead a team on?   Do you have any other ideas you'd like to share on things mentioned above or generally about how to organize ourselves to pass federal legislation.
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