SFU PDA - UBC PDA Winter Trivia Night
Join us for our SFU/UBC PDA Winter Trivia Night on Zoom.

When? 6pm on Thursday, Dec 17
Where? Join from the comfort of your own home

There will be prizes for the winning team and runner-up!

"Bring" you own snacks/drinks and we will provide an entertaining Winter-themed Trivia night to get you into the holiday spirit! We will try to make teams with diverse backgrounds for a fun, social night.

Feel free to bring along your partners or roommates, but please let us know how many people will be joining so that we can form teams with the same number of people.

Limited spots available, so sign up quickly. We will send you a confirmation e-mail with the Zoom link after you have successfully registered!

We are looking forward to an amazing evening!

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