Book Rachelle for your next event!
Looking for professional development for your school, PLC or organization?  Are you interested in having Rachelle as a Keynote or Featured Speaker for your event? On-site and virtual presentations and workshops are available on a variety of topics. Please complete the form and I will reach out to you soon to schedule a meeting to discuss the options. 
An email will come from, which may be blocked by your network if using a school email.  You can expect a response from me the same day that you submit the request. If you do not receive an email, please send an email to me and I will reply. Thank you!
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Role in Education *
School District, Organization or Event and Location Requested  *
Email address
Which topics are you interested in having Rachelle provide training or presentations about? *
Focus areas for sessions 
Phone Number
Which of the following are you interested in having Rachelle provide? (Check all that apply). *
What date(s) are you looking for? *
Please select which you prefer. Rates provided will be all inclusive with travel. 
Please provide any additional information regarding topic or other specific needs related to your request. (focus, budgets, timeline, for example)
How were you referred to my site? 
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