SEDAC Entrepreneurs Network Application Form
Welcome to SEDAC Entrepreneurs Network,

SEDAC Entrepreneurs Network is a platform where entrepreneurs are groomed, nurtured and empowered with the right skill and knowledge to build an enduring organization that can compete with similar organisations in any part of the world. Our aim here is to create wealth, build large corporations and reduce unemployment, poverty and hunger through.

Becoming a Member
Membership is open to individuals, micro, small, medium enterprises and large corporations in Nigeria and membership is free.

Access to latest tools and information in the business world
Opportunity to attend MSMEs Clinic
Mentorship Support
Free co-consulting
Business idea sharing
Business growth support
Business Networking Opportunity

Rules for our whatsapp platform

What we cannot post in the
No posting of political, religious and tribal issues.
No insult and abuse of any kind
Gory pictures of killing  and other forms of insecurity
Fake news and deceptive information

What you can share
Books that are relevant for business
Funding opportunities
Training opportunities
Business opportunities
We need to be ready to provide the source of information we are providing at this platform
Ideas that can make the platform better.

These Dos and Don'ts in the platform will be updated from time to time.

Kindly note that you are to carry our independent verification before engaging anyone in the platform for any kind of business as the platform does not stand as a guarantor for any company.

You can reach us for partnership, support, advertising in our programme brochures and any other inquiries.

Thank you.

Modestus Nwaulu
Director of Programmes and Administration
SEDAC Foundation
08126449617, 08034746919;
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Full Name *
First and last name
Company Address *
Email *
Phone number *
Sex *
Name of your company *
About your company *
What is the status of your company? *
What is your position in the company? *
Which of the following enterprise categories does your  Company belong? *
What is the one skill you need to scale up your business? *
What value do you have to offer to other members of the network? *
Why do you want to belong to SEDAC Entrepreneurs Network? *
How did you hear about us? *
I hereby confirm that the information provided above are true and that I will abide by the rules guiding this network. *
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