Flare Family Application
Flare Family is a Discord community that helps chronically ill folks living in the same city connect with each other in order to provide real life support. This community is open to anyone familiar with chronic illness who is interested in providing support.

Because Flare Family is new, your city's Discord channel may not be available yet. You will be notified when at least 2 people have joined your city, otherwise it would be quite lonely with just you!

Examples of support: 
  • Coordinating Meals
  • Donating or Exchanging Assistance/Accessibility Devices
  • Meeting for Coffee or Lunch
  • Dropping Off "Care Packages"
How does it work?
  • Submit this application.
  • I will place you into a group based on your location.
  • You will receive an email invitation to the Discord community and create a username and login.
  • Once logged in to Discord, you can introduce yourself to the group and begin discussing ways to support each other.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Age *
Social Media Handles (Not required, but this helps us vet members and may result in your application being processed faster.
How do you identify?
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What state do you live in? *
We will use this information to place you in a group.
What city do you live in? *
We will use this information to place you in a group!
Which description best describes you? *
Provide a short (1-3 sentences) summary of how your illness impacts or has impacted your daily life.

If you are a friend or family member, provide a summary of how your loved one's illness has impacted you.
What are your greatest needs when you're in a severe flare?
If you are comfortable sharing, what illness(es) are you diagnosed with?
Do you have any friends or family members that plan to join? Providing their name and email can help us vet them faster since they know you.
I'm willing to be a Moderator and Coordinator for my group. (Moderators make sure the Community Guidelines are enforced in your group, Coordinators help organize gatherings and lead the direction of the group.) *
I agree to adhere to these rules so that all members of the community feel welcome and safe:

+ I will only communicate with other members through Discord. I will not offer or ask another member for their personal information

+ If another member makes me feel unsafe, I will let Ellen know immediately.

+ I will not offer medical advice to other members. You can always share your own experiences with medications, doctors, etc. but you may not advise another member on medical issues.

+ I will not bring up or discuss religion in regards to illness. Saying you will pray for someone to feel better, etc, is okay.

+ I will not bring up politics. The only exception is if you are sharing information regarding legislation that impacts the disabled community.

+ I will not comment on a member's diet/eating habits or offer unsolicited advice regarding food/diets.

+ I will be gracious about what is offered to me and I will show gratitude to those helping me. If I don't want the help being offered, I will kindly decline the offer.

+ I will give freely and without strings attached. I will not ask for money in exchange for my support.

+ I will not bully, intimidate, harass, or harm another member in any way, either online or in-person. I understand that hateful rhetoric against groups of people will not be tolerated.

+ I will not play "sick olympics" where I compare my pain/experience to someone else in a negative way.

I will support all members regardless of our differences.

+ I will not post copyrighted material.

+ I will adhere to Discord's Community Guidelines.
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