Dunellen PTO - Teacher Registration
It's time to join the Dunellen PTO for the 2023-2024 school year.  It is only $10 for teachers.

Please complete this form to join.  Once submitted, please either pay by Venmo @Dunellen-PTO or send cash or check payable to “DUNELLEN PTO” to your school’s main office.  You can also drop off your payment with a PTO Board Member.

Dunellen PTO is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit organization & your donation is tax deductible.  

Joining the Dunellen PTO includes a number of benefits and perks!

Dunellen PTO sponsors multiple events exclusive to Teachers, including Back-to-School Luncheon, and Teacher Appreciation Week.

PTO also provides special gifts to Retiring Teachers, Teachers of the Year, and Teachers who experience important life events!

We know that our teachers do so much for our students and our schools already, but if any teachers would like to be more involved with the PTO, there are a few Committees that teachers are welcome to join.  Family Fun Nights are fun evening or weekend events and we can always use teacher input when planning these events.  

The other Committee that teachers can join is the Tricky Tray Committee.  This is our biggest event and we need as much help as possible to make it a successful one.  Teachers are welcome to be involved with the planning so we can continue to raise significant funds for our schools and give back even more!

So don’t forget to join the PTO today!

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Email *
Phone number
Grade Level/School *
Committees *
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