ENG 101-108 - Fall '16 - Student Feedback
This survey serves two purposes: (1) it’ll help me find out “what works and what doesn’t work” so that I can make any necessary changes to improve this quarter, and (2) it’ll help refresh your memory about what we’ve specifically read/written/discussed this quarter and trigger material you could/should include in your portfolio.

I suggest typing your responses in a Google Doc file as you write so that (1) you don’t lose it and (2) you can include some of this in your portfolio (if you'd like to, of course).  Once you've done that, then you can easily copy/paste your answers over into the survey.

Also, please know that this was written by me (De Piero).  The only way anybody would see these responses -- and remember, they're anonymous -- is if I'm able to publish this in a teaching journal someday.  (Don't let that concern you, though; it's highly unlikely.)  All told, your input here is really, really important to me.  It's hard/impossible for me -- or any teacher -- to "know" what's going in their classroom and whether they're teaching methods are working without students' feedback.
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What did you think about studying/learning about "genre" and "conventions" in this course?  Did that term/concept help you to think about writing in a different way?  Why or why not?  (Elaborate however you'd like on "genres" and "conventions"!") *
If you are *still* confused about the terms genre and/or conventions, what specific questions do you have about them?  (That way, I can address these questions more deliberately next time.) *
What did you think about studying/learning about "moves" in this course?  Did that term/concept help you to think about writing in a different way?  Why or why not?  (Elaborate however you'd like on "moves!") *
What did you think about studying/learning about different ways of reading?   Did any of the reading approaches help you to think in a different way? *
Can you think of any moments in this course when something "clicked' for you?  If so, what happened?  How, why?  Please elaborate! *
Try to think of 2-3 pieces of feedback -- a comment or question -- that helped you or that you found particularly insightful?  (It could've been from a classmate or from me, and you don’t need the word-for-word comment/question—paraphrasing it is fine.)  How/why did you find it helpful?  (Be specific!) *
To what extent were you motivated to do/complete the assigned course readings? *
Not at all motivated
Why or why not? *
To what extent did you *actually* complete our assigned course readings? *
I didn't read any of them!
I read all of them!
On a scale of 1-5, to what extent did you enjoy posting your work -- PBs and thlogs -- to the blog?  (Instead of, say, submitting traditional hard copies in class or privately emailing them to me.) *
Didn't enjoy it at all.
Totally enjoyed it.
Why? *
To what extent did you take pride in your blog work? *
I took very little pride in it.
I took a lot of pride in it.
To what extent did you find the Peer/Reader Review workshops helpful? *
Not at all helpful
Why? *
Any other suggestions for improvement in the design of this 101-108 course?  Things that could be added/removed/modified/moved around, etc?  If you think something didn't work or didn't work as well as it could've -- that's good to know, but please explain why and let me know what I could SPECIFICALLY do to improve it. *
What was your favorite part of the course?  (And why?) *
Is there anything that we didn't study/address, or that you would have liked to spend more time on studying/addressing? *
How hard was this course for you in terms of the CONCEPTS that we studied? *
Not hard at all.
Incredibly hard.
How hard was this course for you in terms of the amount of WRITING/WORK that you had to do? *
Not hard at all.
Incredibly hard.
To what extent do you feel like this course helped you develop as a writer? *
I don't feel like I developed at all.
I feel like I developed tremendously.
To what extent do you feel like this course helped you develop as a reader? *
I don't feel like I developed at all.
I feel like I developed tremendously.
To what extent do you feel like this course helped you develop as a thinker? *
I don't feel like I developed at all.
I feel like I developed tremendously.
On a scale of 1-5, to what extent did you enjoy this course? *
Any other comments? *
Thank you so much for taking the time to take this survey.  Good luck with your portfolios, the rest of your finals, and your academic/professional careers.  Feel free to keep in touch.   :)
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