ETS-304 Form: Hawaii Information Portal Security Access Request Form for Time/Leave and Payroll-Deployed Departments
This security form must be completed prior to access being granted or modified.  After submitting this form on-line a copy will go to the person you indicated as the "approver" below and it will instruct them to send an email copy of what they're approving with the PDF attached to with their statement affirming that the user noted in the form is an employee under their supervision and they approve of the request.

This form is to be used for HR Administrators, Department Payroll Users, Time Keepers, Leave Keepers, and Central Payroll Users for select Executive Branch and non-Executive Branch Departments that have deployed Time/Leave and Payroll functions in the Hawaii Information Portal.

Additionally, this form may be used to change existing Row Level security to "Reports To" supervisors to see records of employees who are in other departments within their department's organizational structure.  (example: when a unit supervisor is promoted to section supervisor and needs a higher Row Level).

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Email *
Section I. User Information
This section requests information about the employee that the security request is for.
User's Full Name *
User's Hawaii Information Portal ID Number *
User's Email Address *
User's Job Title *
Please note that the person's job responsibilities must be appropriate for the type of request that they are asking.
User's State of Hawaii employing department, agency, or jurisdiction *
Section II. Approver Information
Please complete this section about the approver of this security request.  Please note that the individual named below will be contacted by email with an attached PDF to approve this request.
Name of the Approver for this request *
Note: this must be the User's direct supervisor.
Email address for Approver *
Does the user work for DAGS Accounting Division or ETS Project Management Office? *
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