Application Form - Qualification Bursaries
Please fill in this form to apply for our Introduction to Fundraising Practice qualification bursaries. Please note that to be eligible to receive the bursary you must be a member of the FSI and have an annual income (as shown in your most recent annual accounts) of less than £100,000.  If you have not already, you can register to become a member here: (membership is free)
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To be considered you must be working for a charity based in England, local in focus and with a turnover of less than £100,000, and a large part of your role involving fundraising. Please tick to confirm you meet this criteria: *
Full name *
Email address *
Telephone number *
Charity name *
Charity number *
Job title *
Brief description of current role *
All candidates must demonstrate a commitment to the sector and to fundraising. *
Please give a short statement (no more than 2-3 paragraphs in total) on how you meet the following criteria:  1) a passion and drive to use your abilities to make a difference to your charity through fundraising;  2) are innovative, creative and entrepreneurial in your approach;  3) have a demonstrated appreciation for learning and sharing knowledge
Please tick to confirm you have the support of your line manager or a Trustee (if you are successful we will follow up with you for further information). *
You will need to have the endorsement of your line manager or a Trustee and demonstrate you are able to commit to the attendance, coursework and self-study requirements of the qualification programme.
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