Event Proposal Form
Have an idea for an event you want to run? Need some support from JQY to make it happen? Fill out this form! 

Please submit at least 2 weeks prior to your proposed date so as to allow time for processing and advertising. 

NOTE: Your proposed event cannot be on the same night as a JQY program (ex. community event, Drop-In).

Thank you for your investment in the community, for all you contribute, and for being a part of JQY!
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Email *
First Name *
Please write the first name of the individual who will be the main point person for this event.
Last Name *
Please write the last name of the individual who will be the main point person for this event.
Are you working with other individuals? Please write the names and email addresses of any others who are collaborating on this event.
Before continuing have you filled out the Event Follow Up form from your previous event?
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