NYSDEC Endorsed 4 Hour Erosion and Sediment Control Contractor Training (presented by the Essex County Soil and Water Conservation District, via ZOOM)
Registration Form
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Email *
Company or Individual name
Trainee First Name *
Middle Initial
Trainee Last Name *
Trainee Phone Number *
Trainee Home Mailing Address or PO Box *
Address Line 2
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Please select from the following dates. These trainings are all held virtually via ZOOM. If a date is not shown, then it has been filled to capacity. *
1.  I agree to attend on that date I select and understand that I do not have the ability to change the date of instruction without prior instructor approval. If allowed, I may reschedule my training date once.
2. I understand that there will be no attendee substitutions without prior approval.
3. I understand that if I do not contact the District before my training starts, I will forfeit the registration fee and will need to re-register for a future class.  Any trainee logging on later than 15 minutes after the start of the course without contacting the District, will need to speak with an instructor and the decision to issue the certification is at the sole discretion of the instructor(s.)
4. I understand I must have a computer or device with a camera enabled to record my attendance at intervals throughout the course at the request of the instructors. Certificates will not be issued to individuals with a recorded absence.
5. I understand and ensure that the mailing address provided is my correct home address, where the card and certificate will be sent.  
6.  I understand that I will receive the Zoom training invite link the day before my selected training date.
Payment Options  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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