Sandusky City Schools Gifted Referral Form
Sandusky City Schools is home to a comprehensive Gifted Program and the only full day gifted school in our region, the Regional Center for Arts and Academic Studies (RCAAS)!  We also offer the most complete arts program in the area with the Great Lakes Visual and Performing Arts Academy (GLVPAA).

Sandusky's Gifted Services include:

Sandusky Primary School - 1st and 2nd Grades - Gifted Cluster Grouping with teachers trained to deliver rigorous instruction to our youngest students with high potential.

Regional Center for Arts and Academic Studies - 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Grades - Full day services for students identified as gifted and emerging in all academic content areas (Reading, Math, Social Studies, Science, and/or Superior Cognitive Abilities) and the fine arts (Creative Thinking, Visual Art, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Dance, and Theatre).

Sandusky Middle School - 7th and 8th Grades - Honors and Advanced classes in all academic content areas (Reading, Math, Social Studies, Science, and/or Superior Cognitive Abilities), including acceleration options for students who are ready to take on above grade level coursework.

Sandusky High School - 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Grades - Honors, Advanced Placement (AP), and College Credit Plus (CCP) classes in all academic content areas (Reading, Math, Social Studies, Science, and/or Superior Cognitive Abilities), including a continuation of acceleration options for students who are ready to take on above grade level coursework.

If you would like your child to be considered for gifted assessment, please complete this form. Teachers and even students themselves may complete this form as a referral for gifted assessment.
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Student's Name *
Address *
Date of Birth *
Current Grade Level *
In which school is your child currently enrolled? *
Parent/Guardian First and Last Names *
Parent/Guardian's Email Address *
Parent/Guardian's Phone Number *
I am this child's *
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