Joppa School Parent Consent Form
The list below contains all the current extra-curricular activities available at Joppa Elementary School. As per Public Chapter No. 353, a minor student cannot join or participate in a school club or organization without the dated, written consent of their parent or guardian. To give your child permission to participate, you can check the box next to their desired activity. This consent will cover the entire 2023-2024 school year in case your child's interests change. By providing consent now, you won't have to do so again later in the year, avoiding any delay in the process. You can access the law at If you have any questions about this new law or your consent, please contact the administration at Joppa Elementary School through email.
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What grade is your student in at Joppa Elementary School ?
First Name *
Last Name *
Below are the ATHLETIC opportunities Joppa Elementary School provides. Please check all sports in which you give consent for your student to participate.*
Below are the Extra Curricular opportunities already in place at Joppa Elementary School. Please check any or all of these in which you give consent for your student to participate in during the 2023-2024 school year, whether by their choice or chosen by the school. If chosen by the school, more information on participation will be sent to parents and guardians.
The question below is required for this form. However,  Joppa Elementary School does not plan to administer any student surveys. 
Do you consent to your student taking surveys (customize when the students will be given the surveys; for example, homeroom)? No data will be shared externally, nor will any identifying information be collected.
Typing your full name below indicates that you are consenting to the use of your typed name as your electronic signature and that you are giving active consent for your child to participate in the chosen activities at (Joppa Elementary) during the 2023-2024 school year.
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