PFAS Testing Program - Application Form
Please read below for the program overview, eligibility and prioritization:


This PFAS Testing Program, administered by MFT and MOFGA, assists Maine farmers and compost producers who have concerns regarding potential per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination.

The program will pay for testing of home or irrigation water for contamination with these chemicals.

The program will pay for soil testing.

The program will also cover testing of farm products or inputs if a farm has any concerns relating to the purchase of inputs (hay, milk etc.) from a farm known to have contamination.

A simple application form will assess eligibility for the program and several farms will be selected upon a weekly review to participate in the program. Each farm situation is unique and applications often require follow up conversations to assess risk and strategy, so please allow up to two weeks for a decision to be made.

Eligibility and prioritization:

All Maine commercial farms (a farm that sells at least $2,000 to consumers outside of the household) and compost producers are eligible
Applicants self-identified as Indigenous and are growing food and medicine in community do not need to meet commercial farm eligibility criteria
Farms must state that they require financial assistance for PFAS testing.
Farms who are seeking to test materials associated with land that was licensed and/or spread with biosolids.
Farms whose lenders require a soil and/or water test.
Farms which derive at least 50% of their family income from their farm will be prioritized.
Farms classified as “Tier 1” licensed sites will be prioritized.
Farmers who are located on “Tier 1” licensed sites who had to pay for testing to investigate their risk prior to the establishment of this program on March 1, 2022 may seek reimbursement for tests that are ineligible for reimbursement from state agencies due to having low test results.

We have limited resources and unfortunately may not be able to fund all eligible applications. Applicants concerned about inputs should first contact their supplier and encourage them to apply to this fund if they have not yet conducted testing. Award decisions will be made according to available testing program funds, applicant eligibility and priorities.


We do not require that you share your test results with us. We encourage you to reach out to us if you need help understanding test results or support options.  

Maine DEP info page:
Maine DACF info page :

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