Interested in Becoming an Education Co-Conspirator?
Learn more about a national coalition of white education co-conspirators who are willing to use their privilege to catalyze anti-racist actions in partnership, advocacy, and support of Black leaders, with the goal of creating the conditions for Black students to thrive.

If becoming an education co-conspirator is a call that speaks to your heart and mind, complete the interest form below to learn about a unique opportunity to collaborate with white education co-conspirators and black leaders across the country. We will be hosting a webinar in the near future to share more.

We must work together to cure the racist epidemic that has ravaged PK-12 education and impacted the lives of millions of students.

Please email Kimberly Smith ( with any questions.

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Why are you interested in becoming an education co-conspirator? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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