Search Behaviour & Domain Extensions
A quick survey to assess search behaviour and domain extension awareness. Open to everyone who  knows how to use the internet.
How do you usually navigate to a website you frequent? (.com is merely an example) *
How do you usually navigate to a website you don't know the exact address of?
(.com is merely an example)
You're probably familiar with the most common domain extensions, like .com, .org, .net, and country specific ones like, .de, etc. Which other ones have you heard of? *
Let's say you were trying to find the website of a new marketplace called "Awesome Market", how would you try and find it? *
If you went the search engine route, and it would tell you the URL is "", would you assume it to be a mistake/scam/error? *
Yes, totally a mistake/scam/error
No, I would not
If you went the search engine route, and it would tell you the URL is "", would you trust the result and click the link? *
No, I would never click it
Yes, I would totally click it
If the URL for Awesome Market would be "", how hard would you find this to remember?
Super hard
Super easy
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