Preliminary Self-Assessment
This is adapted from an assignment originally created by Ms. Logan. This is the very first assignment of the group project. Notice that there is no historical content involved whatsoever. This is because a portion of your grade on this project will be assessed by how well you work with your peers: you are being graded on process, not just final product. NO ONE will see your responses except your teacher.
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Email *
Which class are you in? *
Your first name *
Your last name *
When you think about working with a group to complete a project, what reactions do you have and why? *
Answer both questions above, please.
How easy or difficult do you think you are to work with? Why? *
Answer both questions above, please. Give a specific anecdote to support your claim.
In a group setting, which role(s) do you tend to play? *
Try to choose the one that best describes you, but it's okay to choose more than one.
Choose ONE of the above roles and give *specific* evidence for why you believe you play that particular role. "One time..." (can be an example from a different class) *
If you had to choose ONE person in class to work with, who would that be? (Remember, no one will see this except your teacher).  *
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