Gamer Experience Survey
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What genres of games do you enjoy the most? (Select all that apply) *
How much would you say in app purchases (micro-transactions) affect your enjoyment of single-player games?
How frustrating is it to encounter bugs and glitches in a game at launch? *
What kind of post-launch support would make a game more appealing to you? (Select all that apply) *
Which types of micro transactions are you most likely to avoid in a primarily single-player game? (Select all that apply) *
(Optional) In which country do you reside?
What type of device do you primarily use for gaming? (Select all that apply) *
What is the highest price you'd be willing to pay for a new, full-length video game without micro-transactions? (US Dollars)
What is your age range?
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How often do you play video games? *
How important is the length of a single-player game to your enjoyment? *
In your own words, what are some things that would make a new video game more appealing to you?
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