Pro-Lies Feedback Mat Prototype Demo Survey
Thanks so much for taking the time to test out the 3 in 1 golf mat and give us feedback.  Here are a couple quick questions about your experience.  The final question will ask if you'd be willing to spend 10 minutes on the phone with us as well.
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Name *
What is your handicap? *
How many times did you use the Pro-Lies Mat before completing this survey? *
Which mat did you use most often? *
What surface do you use the mat on? *
How did you secure the mat?
Did it stay in place after swings?
How did the various mats hold up to repeated strikes?
Feedback material
Please explain
Is the size convenient (for hitting/moving around, etc.)?
Do the markings make sense (labels, feedback box, ball placement spots)?
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Please add any comments about the markings
The thought behind the 3 in 1 mat is to be able to practice different parts of your game in one session.  What are your thoughts about this approach?
Does the rough mat recreate a difficult lie/change ball flight characteristics?  Either enter Yes or explain why it doesn't.
Select which mats you picture using the most (the most effective training tool)?  (Select all that apply)
Thinking of other practice mats, what would you consider a fair price for the Pro-Lies Feedback Mat?
How would you improve the Pro-Lies Feedback Mat?
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