Haverford Cultural Fair
Thank you so much for your interest in hosting a table at our Cultural Fair!

To represent our beautiful global Haverford School community, we invite you to volunteer to host a table showcasing a country, celebration, festival, tradition, or part of the world that is important to you. Take a moment to sign up to celebrate your family traditions or favorite places in our world. 

This is an opportunity to work with your children to celebrate your culture with pride. The table could include:

-a craft or game 

 -a poster, replica or trifold of an area’s landmarks  

-objects or symbols of importance to your culture

-a dish or treat to sample

-a country or state flag

-pictures from a recent celebration or visit

- musical instruments

-clothing or jewelry

You can share a few popular words from another language, show off traditional dress, dance or music, play an instrument…anything that can showcase your pride and joy.  Decorate with a place or celebration meaningful to your family or explore something new together.   Places can be US-based as well as International.

Contact Sana (sana.manjeshwar@gmail.com) or Angel (angelshelleyroyal@gmail.com) with any questions.

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What would you like to represent at your table?  Families have already volunteered for the categories below, choose one of them or add a new one!
If your table was not already listed, what place, festival, tradition, or celebration will be represented? Otherwise leave blank.
Please enter your first and last name *
Would you like to showcase a cultural talent and be a part of our Cultural Fair's talent showcase? If so, please describe your talent.
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