HURSTfolk. venue enquiry form 2024
22–24 November 2024

If you have a venue and would like to be part of HURSTfolk. 2024, please complete the questionnaire below
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Please let us know the name and address of the venue *
Is the capacity seated / standing or can it be either? *
What is the capacity of the venue (in all of its formats) *
Does the venue have an in-house PA available? If so, please give us all technical details. *
Does the venue have any lighting available? If so, please give us more details. *
Please let us know the hire fee for the venue, or if you are able to let HURSTfolk. use it for free (we are a non-profit organisation run by volunteers – we need all the help we can get!) *
Does the venue have public liability insurance? *
Does the venue have an event license? *
Does the venue have an alcohol license? *
Does the venue have a PRS license? *
If we use the venue, are you able to provide food and drinks for the artists performing there? (a basic rider comprising drinks and snacks) *
Does the venue have any parking? *
Does the venue have wheelchair access? *
Please let us know anything else you think we should know about the venue. *
What's the name of the venue contact? *
What's their email address? *
What's their phone number? *
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