WCM Postdocs United-UAW Town Hall

We have some big news! The Weill Cornell administration has agreed to meet with us this Friday about our request to discuss and agree on a fair and neutral process for verifying that a majority of postdocs support our union.

This is in direct response to the letter we delivered to Dean Harrington earlier this week and is a testament to the momentum we have built up over the course of our campaign. We are hopeful that if the administration takes a constructive approach toward working with us at this stage, we can move forward efficiently with the unionization process and set the building blocks for a positive working relationship between our union and the WCM administration moving forward. We will keep you updated on the progress of our discussions.

To address any questions that you might have about where we are in the unionization process, we will be having another Town Hall at 12 PM, Sept 29th in WRB 305 of Rockefeller’s Weiss Building. To help us organize the event, please register here.

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