Application for Pulse beta program

We’re looking for software engineering leaders to participate in a beta program for a new product that automates periodic reviews of engineering metrics. To apply for the study, please complete this short survey.

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Which of these best describes your role?


How many developers are you responsible for (either directly or indirectly)

Does your team rely heavily on any of these tools?
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How much do you struggle with collecting and using data to inform decisions around the following activities?

Not at all
A little
A lot
Identifying opportunities to improve
Making hiring/firing decisions
Prioritizing projects / allocating resources
Responding as projects veer off track

Select any of the following that accurately complete this sentence: “We struggle to make data-driven decisions because…"


Are you currently exploring ways to alleviate any of the pains above? What are those options, and how optimistic are you feeling about them?

If you had a magic wand that could help you transform your engineering organization into a data-driven decision-making powerhouse, what are the first 3 things you’d do with it?

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