Talent Show Audition Application
Please read and complete the talent show audition form before Wednesday, March 20.  The talent show will take place on April 17, from 8:00 a.m. to approximately 9:30.  To allow more students to partipicate, all acts need to be two minutes or less.  If the act is longer than two minutes, the students will need to edit their act to fit within the allotted time.

NOTE: Each student in a multi-person act must fill out an application.  A student can only be in ONE act.

AudItions will be held on Tuesday, March 26, from 2:45 until 4:30. More information about the audition process and timeline will be emailed on Friday, March 22 to all parents of students who have completed their audition application.

TUESDAY, MARCH 26 WILL BE THE ONLY AUDITION DAY.  Please email Mrs. Spenlau at kspenlau@shslou.org if there is a conflict.
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Name of student *
Grade Level *
Homeroom Teacher *
Talent: singing, dancing, etc.   *
Song (s) to be used in the act (Note: please include a link to the lyrics). If no songs are needed please answer N/A. *
Description of Talent Show Act *
Parental Agreement:  By submitting this application, I allow my child to participate in the SHMS Talent Show, affirm that my child and I have read and agreed to the requirements for all talent show acts, and have discussed that only a limited number of organized and well-rehearsed acts will be asked to be a part of the talent show.

Parent signature
Parent email address *
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