2024-25 WIS Mentorship Mentor Application 
Mentor applications are now open for the 2024/25 WIS Mentorship Program! Mentors will be selected from across Canada to be paired with a mentee based on the information provided in this application. 

A few important things to note: 

- Mentors are required to meet with their mentee a minimum of once per month between November 2024 - April 2025. Meetings may be virtual or in person. On-snow mentorship is not a requirements of this program.

- This program is not a CSIA sanctioned event, and therefore mentors and mentees are not covered by the CSIA while participating in this program.

- Meeting on snow is not a sanctioned CSIA event.

- CSIA members of any gender can apply to be a mentor.

If you have already organized a mentor/mentee or peer-to-peer pairing for this season, please email the names and emails of the pair to csiawis@snowpro.com and we will notify your community coordinator. 

Mentor/mentee pairs will work together throughout the season to create a mentorship relationship and program which works for them based on their goals and expectations. Resources will be provided to help to support and guide this relationship throughout the winter season.

If you have any questions please reach out to Victoria (Tori) Wight at csiawis@snowpro.com.
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