Clallam County Fire District 3  (Fire District 3) Survey
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When you hear "Clallam County Fire District 3" what does that mean to you? *
Do you know what services Fire District 3 provides? Please choose all that you believe Fire District 3 provides. *
Do you believe Fire District 3 is a sub-section of the City of Sequim? *
Do you believe Fire District 3 is a sub-section of Clallam County? *
Do you know how Fire District 3 is governed? *
If the last answer was "yes", please provide a short description.
Do you know how Fire District 3 is funded? 
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If you know how Fire District 3 is funded, please provide a short description.
How do you  receive information about local government entities? *
If other, where?
Do you live in Fire District 3? *
If you had a question about your local fire district, how would you go about finding an answer? *
What event did you attend to learn about this survey?
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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