Solarize Forsyth Ambassador Signup
Use this form to sign up to be a Solarize Forsyth Ambassador

The program provides adults and kids with an opportunity to lead discussion on solar energy and make a positive impact in your community.  As part of the program, ambassador's with learn about solar and present about the benefits. Participants will receive training and be eligible for certificate and volunteer hours from Solar Crowdsource.
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Program Details
- Have an active interest in making our community a better place to live
- Have an interest in environment, sustainability or energy
- Be willing to present to family and friends about solar energy
Optional: Be a member of a school civic, service, or environmental club where community service hours are needed

To earn the designation of “Ambassador” you will need to receive training, practice presenting the key points of the Solarize approach to helping people install solar - and then give at least 1 presentation or present to more than 10 people. Presentation can be made at school, club, association, religious organization or to your friends & neighbors.

Once this is complete you can receive a certificate and community service hours.

Name *
Rising Grade (for students)
School (for students)
Email Address *
Why are you interested in being an ambassador? *
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