【Garage+】12/3 Open House: Innovating the Future, Navigating New Frontiers
Garage+ 的貴賓們,您好!

誠摯地邀請您蒞臨 12 月 3 日 (二) 下午 3:00-6:00 的 Garage+ Open House 活動,與年度精選、來自台灣及海外的 38 家技術新創交流。 

  • Garage+ 年度精選新創LINK
  • 時間:12 月 3 日(二),下午 3:00-6:00
  • 地點:台北市中山區中山北路二段 96 號後棟 9 樓 (Google 地圖)
Dear Friends of Garage+,

We cordially invite you to attend Garage+ annual Open House event on December 3rd, from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. This year, Garage+ has carefully selected 38 startups from Taiwan and abroad, showcasing cutting-edge technology at the event. Meet our founders who are committed to shaping the future through innovation and guiding us toward new horizons!
  • F24 Batch Must-See Startups: LINK
  • Time: December 3rd (Tue.), 3:00 -6:00 PM
  • Venue: 9F., The 2nd Building, No. 96, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei (Google map)
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