2023 Nominations for SIPS Executive Committee
We are currently soliciting nominations for the Executive Committee of the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science. Any member may be nominated, and self-nominations are welcome. SIPS values diversity; we encourage nominations of members from all backgrounds. 

Executive Committee members will be elected by a vote of the Society membership and will serve three-year terms beginning in January of 2024. Newly elected members will join the five returning members: Dustin Albert, Clare Conry-Murray, Mulat Asnake Goshu, Priya Silverstein, and Crystal Steltenpohl. In accordance with SIPS by-laws, three positions will be elected:

* A SIPS member who is currently a graduate student or post-doc (or equivalent career stage). This position is open to members living and working anywhere.

A SIPS member who works as faculty (or equivalent career stage) at a university, and who is living and working outside the USA and Canada.

A SIPS member who works as faculty (or equivalent career stage, including "alt-ac" and other careers). This position is open to members living and working anywhere.

To nominate a candidate, please complete the nomination form by Thursday, 28 September 2023 at 11:59PM Pacific Daylight Time (see in your timezone). If you are nominating someone other than you, that person will be asked to complete the questions in the nomination form before this deadline to be included on the ballot.

To be eligible to vote or to serve as an executive board member, please join SIPS or renew your membership by Thursday, 5 October 2023.

Questions? Email sips@improvingpsych.org.
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