Flight Donor Application
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Email *
Name *
Phone number *
City, State, Country *
Would you like to pay for airline tickets directly or use your airline points/miles? *

If you are willing to pay for flights directly in cash, how much are you willing to pay? Enter N/A if only donating points.

If you are donating points, how many points are you willing to donate in total? Enter N/A if only paying for flights directly. Please note that depending on cost, you may be able to sponsor more than one flight.
Please indicate which airline(s) below.
If you selected multiple airlines, please indicate how many points you have available to donate with each airline:
Do you have a volunteer preference? E.g. veterans only, medical personnel, etc. *
Please indicate the types of flights you are interested in sponsoring: *
I understand that matching with a volunteer can take anywhere from a few days to several months.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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