Birders Kapihan: The Public Sessions / December 19, 2020 at 3:00PM
This is the online registration form for the Birders Kapihan: The Public Sessions, organized by members of the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines. This is happening on December 19, 2020 from 3:00-5:00PM on Zoom and on FB Live. There will be only 60 slots open for the general public to join the Zoom session, while the FB Live will be open for all.

Children’s Hour is a session geared towards kids and kids-at-heart. Join us for an afternoon of fun activities for everyone to enjoy!

- One registration per person only.
- Registration does not mean you're already included in the Zoom session. Please wait for the confirmation email from us, which will also contain the Zoom details.
- WBCP members DO NOT need to register. The Zoom link will be shared to our group channels.

Data privacy statement: The information collected will only be used for the conduct of the Birders Kapihan: The Public Sessions. This will not be used for the direct promotion of advocacy activities of WBCP, nor will it be shared to third parties outside of WBCP.
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Name and Details
It is MANDATORY to provide your real full name and details. The invitation to the Zoom meeting will be sent to your email address. Your full name and other details will be used to verify your identity before being admitted to the Zoom meeting. This is being done to ensure security and the orderly conduct of the sessions on Zoom.
Your first name *
Your last name *
Country of Residence *
Your email address *
Confirm your email address *
Facebook/Messenger username or mobile number *
Affiliation *
Please state the name of your agency / organization / company / school, which ever is applicable. If unaffiliated, please write "Private individual" *
Additional Information
Let us know the age of the attending child :) So we can better prepare our activities
Are you a birdwatcher? *
Are you a member of a birdwatching or nature club/group? *
If yes, please indicate the name of your club/group and where it is based (city and country). *
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