The Struggle For Unity
Discussion/Reflection Questions
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What stood out to you from today's message?

Unity was a high priority for Jesus and the early church (John 17).  Do you feel it remains a high priority for the Christian church today?  Why or why not?

Read Acts 15
How do you see unity in this passage?  Where might unity be lacking?
In 1 Corinthians 1:10-17, Paul is encouraging the Church toward unity.  In the message, Pastor Chris suggested that there is a difference between unity and conformity.  How was the Church in Corinth falling into the trap of conformity and ignoring the call to unity?

How is this issue being experienced by the Christian Church in America today?  (Think about the issues that are dividing churches and denominations)  How can the church strive for unity in the face of such polarizing topics?

Freedom in Christ has been an affirmation of the Covenant Church, does that mean that all things are permissible within the Church as long as we continue to be “unified?”

Can Christians be unified on what is central to the Christian faith and necessary for maintaining Christian fellowship without succumbing to the lesser work of conformity? Unity can also become an idol in itself, how do we avoid this?

As you reflect on these questions, how should you be praying for our Church Leadership, our Congregation, our Denomination and the other churches here in Willmar?

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