Desiree Client Satisfaction 2022
My business is built on referrals and the testimonials of real people.

This very short questionnaire is intended to collect stories, examples, and testimony to persuade future clients to hire me. It also helps me learn what went well and what can be improved. Your authentic stories help me to hone my practice and grow my business. Plus, I really enjoyed working with you and I would love to reflect on our venture together!

Thank you for taking the time. I deeply appreciate it.
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Please enter your name. *
Please describe your attitudes about my performance as your agent:
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
Your satisfaction with the process
The quality of my representation
The likelihood that you will recommend me
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Please rate my specific real estate skills. (Ignore those that do not apply to your transaction.)
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
Market and pricing savvy
Communication (responsiveness, clarity, etc.)
Negotiation and strategy
Client care (Addressing your needs, interests, stress, etc.)
Marketing (Sellers only)
Project management (Preparing your home for market--sellers only)
Clear selection
How would you describe my strengths to someone who is considering hiring me? What did I do well? Please tell a story or share examples that illustrate my value. (Details good!)
Do you have suggestions for ways I could improve my service?
Thank you very much for completing this questionnaire and trusting me to represent you. I am intent on providing the very best service for you and your referrals. Let's stay in touch! Take care! Des
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