Health Coaching | Client Application

Azul opens up 1:1 health coaching spots on a limited basis for those who are 100% committed to improving their relationship with food, fitness and themselves. Clients must commit to a minimum of 3 months of coaching. Sessions are held every two weeks (2x/month). In between sessions, clients will be given small tasks to do that align with their goals. Azul is only interested in coaching clients who are ready and willing to put themselves first and committed to doing the work to get them to where they want to be.

* Applying does not guarantee a spot. If we're a good fit and I believe I can help you, I will reach out via email to schedule a 15 min call. Serious inquiries only please.

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Where did you hear about me? *
What area of your life are you looking to improve? Why? *
What's currently holding you back from living your healthiest and best life? *
What drew you to my work specifically?
What are you hoping to receive from our work together?

Coaching focuses on small (but impactful) action steps you can take now to make a personal change. You will be given things to do outside of our sessions that align with your goals. Will you be able to carve out time for yourself throughout the week to do the work?

Coaching requires you to be introspective at times when it would be beneficial to achieve your goals. Are you ready to show up fully for yourself and look within? *
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