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Together, we are
Building Unity
Get involved, support our work, and stay connected. Sign up here and we will stay in touch.
You are also welcome to reach out to us by calling Building Unity at 608-630-3633.
You can learn more about our projects at the links below:
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Groups/Congregations/Organizations that you belong to.
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Your Phone Number:
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Please indicate which Building Unity Projects interest you most
Quarterly Unity Summits (Spring, Summer, Winter, & Fall)
Creation, promotion, & execution of the Unity Plan
Children And Parents for Peace (CAPP) (Placeholders Name)
Pups Ushering in Peace and Solidarity (PUPS) (Placeholders Name)
Building Unity Gatherings
Building Unity Tours (with or without the UnityMobile)
Building Unity Neighborhoods, Developments, and Towns (BUNDT)
Your Address (Street - include unit #)
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Zip Code:
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Would you like to get connected to other "Unity Builders" in your area of Wisconsin?
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If you are able to support our work, please consider going to this link or use the QR-code below to make your tax deductible gift to Building Unity. Any Amount will help. Thank you!!
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