Creation Conference CBC Registration Form

Creation Conference is on Friday Nov 16, 2018 from 9:30-4 pm at Community Bible Church on the corner of Adelaide and Hwy7/Elginfield Road. Bring your own lunch.  Cost is $2 which includes light snacks in both the morning and afternoon.
Guest Speaker: Cal Smith, Executive Director of Answers In Genesis, Canada.
There will be a book table available.
If you are in grade 8 or younger by age, please have your parent/guardian complete this form instead:
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Email *
(Cell) Phone Number
First & Last Name *
The name you prefer to be called. This is for the printed name tags.
Year of birth (4 numbers ie: 2002) *
Participants born in 2005 or later (grade 8 or less by age), need a parent to complete a registration form that includes a permission form and waiver. 
Are you a student? *
If you attend any type of school, are home educated, or are unschooled, whether part time or full time, then you're a student.
If you're a student, what is the name of your school?
Such as: Fanshawe, Medway, or the name of your home school / family if you're home educated/unschooled.
Emergency Contact *
Participants under 18 years of age must provide an emergency contact.
Future Conferences *
Would you like to be contacted for future conferences that Community Bible Church hosts?
Questions or Comments?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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