Host A Donation Drive in support of Women Of Endurance
Please fill out this form if you are interested in holding a drive for Women Of Endurance. The person organizing the drive should fill the out the form.

We will not respond when this form is filled out. This form just helps us keep track of all drives taking place throughout the year. If you have specific questions, please email our Director Of Operations .

PLEASE NOTE: We prefer that groups do not hold general drives for the full list of items we accept on our website. Often these drives become overwhelming for the person coordinating the drive, and for us as it’s hard for us to process that much at all once. If you know of people who are interested in donating their gently-used children’s items to Women Of Endurance, please encourage them to bring the items to Ruth's Closet during our regular donation hours.

To review information about how to host a drive for WOE, please visit here :-)
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Email *
Name *
First and last name
Email *
Cell Phone number *
Group / Organization's Name? 
What Type Of Drive Do You Plan To Host?? *
Dates you anticipate holding the drive?
Just a general idea of when you are looking to hold a drive is totally fine too!
Your answer

Date (or date range) you anticipate delivering items?
This information is so our volunteers who work Ruth's Closet can know when to expect the donations.
Social Media Information
We love to give shout outs on social media to groups that host drives for us! Please include your group's Facebook and Instagram links (if applicable) so we can highlight your support. If you take pictures during or after the drive, please email Momma D
Thank you for your willingness to support the amazing mothers we serve.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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