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Request Product Samples
We believe in supplying our customers with the tools and information they need to be successful. As part of that effort, we offer high-quality samples for each of our major product lines. Select the product lines you would like samples for below.
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Request Avimore Modern Elite Hand Samples
Black Sanded
Gray Sanded
Black Woodgrain
Gray Woodgrain
Chocolate Woodgrain
Red Brown Woodgrain
Cedar Yellow Woodgrain
Request Avimore Breeze Hand Samples
Semi-Privacy (Breeze Aluminum Slats)
Full Privacy (Breeze Aluminum Slats)
What other product lines would you like to receive samples for? You can specify additional details further below.
Homeland Vinyl
Porch Rail Hardware
Royal Guard Fence
Royal Guard Rail
Aluminum Secondary Handrail
Inserts and Mounts for Vinyl
Gate Hardware
SimTek Fence
Bufftech Timbergrain Vinyl
Trex Fencing
Fence and Deck Lighting
Include any additional details regarding your sample requests or other needs.
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