DTNS End-2017 Survey
Welcome the Daily Tech News Show audience survey. This is one way we can check in and ask you a few questions about what you're hoping for the show

We tried to be fair and specific while writing the questions, but we don't pretend to be professional pollsters, so let's all agree that this is an unscientific survey meant to help us make the show better!

We'll keep collecting your answers until the end of the day Friday, December 29, 2017, so you have plenty of time.

IMPORTANT THING #1: We will not publicly disclose your name, email or any identifying information as a part of this survey. However the text of your answers could be made public. We might publish a report about the survey on our website, or read selected responses on a show. If you want to remain anonymous, please keep identifying information out of your responses.

IMPORTANT THING #2: We are using Google Forms for this survey. If you don't have a Google login, or you don't want to use a Google product, write us at feedback@dailytechnewsshow.com and we'll send you a copy of the survey by email.

IMPORTANT THING #3: Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions! As always, we welcome your feedback! In fact, we have an email for that: feedback@dailytechnewsshow.com

First, how have you been?
We put the DTNS Labs episodes in the main feed on the weekend so we can make sure people hear them and let us know what they think of the experiment. It also gives us some weekend content so we're not lying as much about being daily. The idea is that if these catch on they will split out as their own feeds someday (or if they don't we stop doing them). Does this bother you?
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How do you watch DTNS live?
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What do you think of the various patron rewards?
What additional Patreon rewards would you like to see?
What did you think of Star Wars: The Last Jedi
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Do you want to meet me in the club?
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What do you think the Bonus Show done for Co-Executive Producers and up should be?
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DTNS offers a weekly column on Patreon to anybody at the Associate Producer level or up. Do you care? Do you read it? What would make it better for you? Or is it great already?
How did you discover Daily Tech News Show?
Have you recommended the show to friends, family or colleagues? If not would you recommend the show to others?
What is the one thing you think would make DTNS better?
Have we told you lately how much you rock?
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