Request Edublogs
Please use this form to request a new Edublogs site(s). If you have any questions, you can email
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Name *
Chapman Email Address *
I am requesting an Edublogs site(s) for:
If this request is for a course site or student sites, specify the course(s).
If you want something other than the default site name for your site(s), specify the preferred site name here.  Allowable characters are: hyphen, underscore, a-z, and 0-9.
The base URL for Edublogs is, with site names appended to that. The default site name for a personal website is your Chapman username (thus, the full URL would be something like; the default site name for a course site is the full course code (eg, 2014SPO-Phil-100); the default site name for a student site tied to a course is the course ID plus student name (eg, Phil100-smith222).
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