Lee Victory 2023 Parade Registration

Come and be part of the amazing Lee Victory Festival over the weekend of the 22-24 September 2023 here on the South Coast here in Lee on the Solent, Hampshire and take part of our military parade. 

Commemoration - The Lee Victory Festival commemorates VE & VJ days, and British Armed Forces in service around the globe.

Education - To ensure that the bravery, lives and memories of our courageous veterans from all conflicts are maintained and shared with the younger generation.

Enjoyment - Delivery of re-enactment, living history, music, dance, aircraft, vehicles and a 1.5 mile parade; all providing a spectacle for all to remember and enjoy.

Music, Bands, Boots, Marching, Veterans, Cadets, Vehicles, Re-enactors, Boats and Aircraft will make up the prestigious military parade taking place in Lee on the Solent on Saturday 23rd September free for all to enjoy.
From its assembly in the old Naval base HMS Daedalus the parade will set out on its 1.1 mile route out onto Richmond Road, along Montserrat Road, High St. Beach Road and Marine Parade, where the salute will be taken by the Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire office.

Here as the parade is halted a planned Air Display* in association with Spitfires.com will be performed over the Solent hopefully seeing three WWII aircraft gracing the skies creating a Battle of Britain theme saving the WWII gunboat & launches on the Solent from the enemy!

We have also applied for a Battle of Britain Memorial Flight flypast for the event weekend, so we’re hoping that we get accepted. All that’s needed is a good weather* meaning we can get as many of the community to line the roads and seafront to watch this planned spectacle.
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