Grade singer will be entering this fall ('23-'24 school year) *
Your answer
School singer will be attending this fall ('23-'24 school year) *
Your answer
Parent/Guardian First Name *
Your answer
Parent/Guardian Last Name *
Your answer
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Your answer
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Your answer
Singer/Parent Mailing Address *
Your answer
Emergency Contact Name *
Your answer
Emergency Contact Relationship *
Your answer
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Your answer
Singer T-Shirt Size *
Does your singer have any allergies we should be aware of? *
Your answer
Does your singer have any previous music experience? (singing/playing an instrument/dance, etc...) *
Your answer
Are you interested in scholarship information for the summer camp program? *
By July 20th, you will receive confirmation of your registration. You will also receive an email from our treasurer with an invoice to pay, as well as scholarship information if it was requested.