Dores Divest Member Interest Form
Are you interested in Dores Divest?

Everyone is welcome to our protests and Friday for Future events, but we're looking for folks ready to be even more involved!

Fill out our member interest form and we'll get you:

-Invitation to General Body Meetings to help plan our demonstrations
-Supplies, Volunteer, and Networking Opportunities
-Divest Orange Sticker and Hat (during the school year) 

Link to our values as an org:

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Phone number (for adding to groupme) *
Non-Vanderbilt email *
Class year *
Do you have previous experience with climate activism or other types of activism? *
We ask our members to chip in where they can! [optional]
Fun options to support Dores Divest:

Venmo $9 to @doresdivest (it's a business account, so when you search you'll have to press the business tab). This $9 will help support getting: 

-Dores Divest Sticker and Hat for you! 
-Mutual Support Buying Protest Supplies

Do you have any ideas/thoughts for furthering the divestment campaign this fall that you want to share right now? Totally optional! 
Thanks for filling out!
Once we receive and process your form, we will confirm your membership! 

We will add you to our members only planning groupme, google drive, and e-mail list at that time.
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