Astronomy and Astrophysics Committee Laboratory Astrophysics Task Force Survey

The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have requested that the Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee (AAAC) establish a task force to address the following 2020 Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics (Astro2020) Recommendation on laboratory astrophysics: 

NASA and the National Science Foundation should (1) convene a broad panel of experts to identify the needs for supporting laboratory data to interpret the results from the new generation of astronomical observatories, (2) identify the national resources that can be brought to bear to satisfy those needs, and (3) consider new approaches or programs for building the requisite databases.

You can learn more about the AAAC Task force on the NSF webpage of the task force. The definition of laboratory astrophysics is broad, encompassing laboratory measurements, theoretical calculations, and database development/management aimed at supporting interpretation of astronomical observations and/or astrophysical modeling.

Some of the questions below may not apply to you. If a question does not apply, please leave it blank. 

Please note we are explicitly looking to answer these questions only in the United States. 

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Which of the following broad research areas are your answers MOST applicable to? 
What is your institution?
What resources at your institution support laboratory astrophysics specifically?

This could include financial support, facilities, or other programs.
What databases, software, or other publicly-accessible resources are developed, hosted, and/or maintained at your institution that are related to laboratory astrophysics?

This could include databases that store data generated by experimental measurements or theoretical calculations, software that processes or uses such data, or other data resources that generally benefit the broader laboratory astrophysics community.
Over the past 5 years, approximately how many undergraduates has your research program supported in the area of laboratory astrophysics?
Over the past 5 years, approximately how many graduate students has your research program supported in the area of laboratory astrophysics?
Over the past 5 years, approximately how many postdoctoral researchers has your research program supported in the area of laboratory astrophysics?
Over the past 5 years, approximately how many staff members  (lab managers, research scientists, etc) has your research program supported in the area of laboratory astrophysics?
Over the past 5 years, have you applied for and/or received support from NASA specifically for laboratory astrophysics? 
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Over the past 5 years, have you applied for and/or received support from NSF specifically for laboratory astrophysics? 
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Over the past 5 years, have you applied for and/or received support (financial or in-kind) from other funding organizations besides NASA or NSF specifically for laboratory astrophysics? If so, what organization(s) support this and at what approximate level?
If you have any additional information or suggestions about programs, facilities, or resources for laboratory astrophysics in your local area/region that we may not be aware of, please share relevant information (a short description, web link, etc).
What types of laboratory astrophysics needs do you anticipate for the next 5-10 years?

This may include types of measurements or calculations, financial support, specific equipment, facilities, or other items.
We may have followup questions. If you are willing to be contacted for followup, please include your name and email address below:
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