Tuition Impact Survey
Capilano University's administration is proposing tuition fee increases for September 2025 as follows:
  • 5% increase for new and returning international students
  • 2% increase for new and returning domestic students
Context for the proposed increases

The CSU is surveying students on Capilano University's proposed 2025-2026 tuition increases. Capilano University has cited declining student enrollment and rising operational expenses as reasons for the proposed tuition increases. For the 5% international tuition increase, the university compared international tuition rates with other institutions, concluding that even with the increase, it would remain the lowest per-credit rate among special purpose teaching universities in British Columbia.

Unlike domestic tuition, capped at 2% under the provincial Tuition Limit Policy, international tuition has no such cap and remains one of the few ways the university can generate additional revenue to cover costs. Despite the 5% increase, the university is still forecasting a $6 million budget deficit next year. We will use your feedback will guide CSU advocacy on this issue and help student voices to be heard on tuition and affordability.

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Are you a domestic student or an international student? *
We will use this information to help us contextualize your response.
For the university's proposed 5% international tuition increase... *
Why do you feel that way about the proposed 5% international tuition increase?
For the university's proposed 2% domestic tuition increase... *
Why do you feel that way about the proposed 2% domestic tuition increase?
To what extent do you believe the university administration should explore alternative optionsĀ for raising revenues to address the budget deficit?
Strongly oppose
Somewhat oppose
Somewhat support
Strongly support
Government funding
Increase parking fees
Increase cafeteria prices
Increase bookstore prices
Reduce programs and courses
Laying off university employees
Reduce university services
Close university campuses
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Do you have any suggestions or recommendations on how the Capilano Students' Union should respond to the administration's proposed increases to domestic and international tuition?
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