Elementary K-5 Walker Permission Form
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Please Review Walker Procedures
Dear Parent or Legal Guardian of a Kindergarten-8th grade student -

We understand that many of our students will be walking or riding their bikes to or from our school this
year as well as being picked up on Low Meadow Blvd. AVA refers to these students as walkers. We
have four (4) crossing guards who are posted in front of the school, the PreK parking lot, and in two
locations on Low Meadow Blvd. Kindergarten—2nd Grade students ARE NOT allowed to walk home
without being accompanied by an approved older sibling or adult. Please list the eligible names on the
form below.

The procedure for this process is as follows:
1) Parent Permission (by signing and returning this form, permission is granted)
2) Each day, students who are walkers will be dismissed first from class
3) Walkers who are authorized to pick up a younger sibling from their class will be dismissed to do so by
an announcement via the AVA paging system. They will proceed to the appropriate classroom and wait
in the hallway for that teacher to dismiss the sibling.
4) Walking students will walk directly off campus. – there is no supervision for them to play on school
grounds or to socialize. Students may wait for siblings so they can leave together.
5) Once off campus, students are expected to proceed directly home
What is the first name of the student who will be walking?
What is the last name of the student who will be walking?
Who is the student's teacher?
Please lists the first and last names of all adults/siblings who may accompany your child.
By typing my name, I agree for my child to be designated a "walker" and agree to the above procedures.
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